Dec 30, 2018 - Blog, Just Now    No Comments

What a week 50 yrs on.

Margaret aged 17yrs

It is hard to believe but on this day 28 December 1968 I was to see Margaret for the first time before we went north to Aviemore. There was some joking on the way north at my expense getting me to pronounce some Scottish names I was doing not bad until they asked me to pronounce machine I fell for it pronouncing it as MacHine etc no just plain old machine they quipped. 



The Youth Hostel in Kingussie closed in 1995

What happened over the next few days was to change our lives forever. I remember the snow came around NEW YEARS EVE such that we were locked out of the youth hostel at Newtonmore it was cold we had to wait till 6.30 till we could get in.

Even 50yrs on it is hard to explain what was taking place between two young people other than we found something that was to bond us together for the next 48 yrs.

Sadly we said good bye to each other around January 5th and did not see each other again till Easter 1969. The postman was busy in both directions over the next 13 weeks – we found out so much about each other in those letters. 

Margaret and I were to have a wonderful life together till she passed away on 31 January 2016.

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