Two Years on
It is two years today that Margaret passed away.
Each day that we spent together was a pleasure. The last few days I have re read my posts from last year reflecting on that week in 2016 at the end of January/February. I had so much support from my family and friends that made my loss that more bearable.
This last couple of years have been ones of reflection and hope for what is to come for me and my boy’s families at the loss of their mother and my life long soul mate.
I picked up a card the other day which I wish to share the words with you which so summed up my feelings right now.
Caring thoughts,
A heartfelt message at this sad time,
Our loved one will be remembered
Her beauty will always shine…
For those we love stay with us,
even after they have gone,
And precious memories will never fade
For love itself lives on.
At a time when words can say so little
and hearts feel so much sorrow,
Caring thoughts are sent to give us all strength
and help us face each tomorrow.
Margaret love you always.