Today’s MAC info
http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1343?viewlocale=en_US This is the site for the MAC keyboard locations and functions. I have a odt doc if you want it.
Suggest looking at Safari extensions and loading at least Expose this when you click the quad box next to the address bar show all the tabs available, hover over with mouse and it zooms that a little bit. I installed mouse gestures which mimics a pen but this did not work as it should. Yesterday I found that win 7 does not automatically see the MAC. Link http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7network/thread/a2a62c23-0aae-4b5a-a646-f089468bc6cc this did the trick, got used to all the editing being available when I had the pro version before installing full Home premium which shows up its limitations of edit etc. now can see MAC in Network on PC and can access the MAC Docs. Also had to set up SMB in the shared area.