The rain is battering down now so it cannot get any more gloomier. Then maybe it can.
PC is still a little sick – having spoken with desktop guru we came to a similar conclusion that the HD may be on its way if not already gone. It has managed to work OK all day so far.
Did a purchase of Acronis 11 and managed to do a clone of my 32 bit onto an external drive. It wouldn’t do a clone from my 64 drive – it kept breaking down – I was expecting it to clone any disk no matter where it was in the system – the one I did manage did the reboot and did it all before windows loaded.. A bit more research I found ACTIVE ( and loaded the trial version (21Days) and did an image from 64 to a space which I did not have to think about on another drive on my system.
Anyway I have ordered a 500g drive to put in and see if this cures the problem of BSOD. The only thing that has been playing up today is windows explorer taking an age to red DVD’s etc. and deciding to close when it felt like it.
Tutorial 1 on Saturday to see what the grey matter has taken in so far.