Still going
Seems awhile since I last posted well nearly 4 months.
What has happened in the mean time. We have so far had a mild winter compared with last years -18 c at times but to make up for it the rain seems to come non stop here in Scotland. There are some nice days but we forget to count them. My OU days are now over just now I graduated with adding honours to my degree last year so the boy is Michael A Abbott BSc hons open. The open degree was in social sciences covering a diverse range of subjects Religion – Modern, traditional and change, Globalization, understanding cities, Governing Europe and IT communications. Six years of sitting a the PC for many hours not agreeing with the tutors on many occasions but it is what makes the grey matter work. The graduation day is on April 14.
My gardening has taken a back step of late but with March now on us that will get back into full swing over the coming months. The competition that I had with Jaks (the good Life, scrumping Jaks) re growing potatoes in bags etc. I have the results of my efforts so will post when I have pulled them together.
A new boiler was fitted to the Abbott house in January and is functioning well only time will tell if it saves me money as we will not be heating up a large tank of water. engineers in yesterday to check it out and we need some one from the installers to return to tidy up the pipe work which was untidy.
Have been having some fun installing a new home server. I decided to take the plunge and install the windows home server 2011 to replace version 1. Have had some problems mostly with slow install which I have put down to motherboard in old PC (not sure) and I actually broke it a couple of times with the boys large digits pressing the wrong button doing things I should not. Now all is well with an ASRock AMD2 (I had one) plus 4GB memory installed and running fine to date. Installed WSUS on the server which was part of my problem but now understand a bit more of the inner workings. Thanks must go to my buddy (son) IT techie Philip for putting me right.
Breakfast calls – gardening results to come.