Nov 25, 2016 - Blog, South Africa    No Comments

South Africa day 3

After yesterday if has been quite today.

On the road with Anne just after 8 am visiting a lodge where she has a commission for art work in their rooms. She has completed only a few so far with more required in the New Year.

Zebra – they came wandering into the camp whilst we there.

Off to the gallery for this evenings exhibition setting out art week that each member has contributed. Quite a  variety on show pen and ink, photographs, pastels etc. We will be off back there around 6-30pm I am one of the barmen now.

Then a visit to The Blue Mountain reserve to meet one of Anne’s friends Crystal. On arrival yes we saw this journey herd of Giraffe. (Journey is the collective of  a group of Giraffe)

Back to Raptor for a rest till this evening.

We might get more rain this evening dancing in the streets again.

Tomorrow well we will wait and see.

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