Sep 17, 2023 - Blog, Just Now    No Comments

Remembering Margaret

This time in September each year beginning in 1970 when Margaret and I were married at Shettleston Parish Church. Loosing Margaret in January 2016 was a big loss to me and my three boys and their families. Words are difficult to articulate sometimes in how I recall that day in 1970 and the 45+ years we had as a family and my best friend.

I found this poem which really reflects my thoughts just now:-

The depths of sorrow we cannot tell;
Of the loss of one we loved so well;
And while she lies in peaceful sleep;
Her memory we shall always keep.

We know that she is happy;
In our Saviour’s home above;
Growing fairer as she lingers;
In the sunshine of His love.

Her loving face I hope to see again;
Though the days have passed away;
Sleep on, dear wife, and take thy rest;
They miss you most who loved you best.

We are sad within our memory;
Lonely are our hearts today;
For the one we loved so dearly;
Has forever been called away.

My lips cannot tell how I miss her;
My heart cannot tell what to say.
God alone knows how I miss her;
In a home that is lonesome today.

The pearly gates were opened;
A gentle voice said “Come”;
And with farewells unspoken;
She gently entered home.

Gone from the earth so swiftly;
Just like a flower in bloom;
So young, so fair, so loving;
Yet called away so soon.

We’ll meet her some glad morning;
Resting by waters fair;
She is waiting for our coming;
In the upper garden there.

You are resting my love but you are always in my thoughts, the boys and their families and all who knew you.

Michael XXXX

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