Lockdown week 3
Palm Sunday service from the manse and uploads to website done by evening on Sunday.
Gardening and tidying the garden is moving apace now with some dry weather. Lawns scarified again with new scarifier and fertilised – replacements ordered fertiliser and grass seed. Plants arrived from Thompson and Morgan – fuchsia and begonias all potted up quickly.
Set about in the midweek to install TP link router to work with Virgin Media router now reconfigured to modem mode. I had been having a problem with VM router dropping out over the last few weeks. It turns out that by coincidence there seems to have been a service issue in the area for a while according to VM engineer I spoke to in the street on the way to shops.
TP link installed and then set about configuring all the devices to cable and Wi-Fi. Found a few issues but with help from Philip managed to get all working again. The one thing I found is that I am using Cat6 cable which meant any RJ45 plugs I made up were faulty, so new crimper and plugs purchased – arrived and now new cables to garage made and working. CCTV cameras all operational again.
A little help from Steven on Sunday re the Synology NAS – more assistance required to configure correctly so that it is seen on all devices MAC’s, PC’s, iPad and iPhone.
Almost at the end of third week taking a moment in the afternoon sunshine and a cuppa surfing the net and came across some sad deaths announced Peter Bonetti the Chelsea goalkeeper had passed away. I remember seeing him many times playing for Chelsea and England. Stirling Moss had also passed away although I never saw him race on television, he was a name that epitomised the skill in his sport at a time of open car racing.
Finally, before calling it a day I listened to the Queen’s audio message I found it so uplifting on this Easter Sunday as I did with our Sandyhills Easter Day service from the manse this morning.
We now await as we go into week 4 whether restrictions are going to change, I suspect not.
Here’s to next week