Lockdown week 2
Getting use to the restrictions at the start of the week. The church service yesterday came from the manse streamed live on YouTube. I followed this by doing an audio download and editing the service for Podcast and website upload.
The usual gardening etc around the Abbott estate taking advantage of the good weather when I can, the greenhouse and propagators are full.
Disaster stuck on Tuesday when the oven decided to break down right in the middle of cooking honey roast ham with 1.5 hrs to go. Looked up on AO.com and was fully prepared to buy a new oven. A call to my friend Walter managed to source a new element and back working again later in the afternoon. Then to cap a day of breakdowns the lawn scarifier decides to give up on me. Sorted new one on order.
Wednesday spent cleaning the oven it now sparkles almost like new.
The part that I find the hardest to get to grips with is no golf or bowls which I enjoy interacting with others in sport. I have contact with the grandchildren and their families as well other friends by phone and text, but it does not make up for personal contact.
here goes week 3