Day 3 Monday April 3
This was the view on our first stop at Puerto del Collado. A steep initial climb out of Competa and a steady track winding round the hillside to this view point. A fabulous vista we had after only about 1.5 hrs walking. A good rest here for photos and a discussion of where next.
off we set before turning off up hill along a narrow track for some 200/300 m climbing, quite tough going till we reached the col. Mini lunch break taken here time about 1145.
Set off again some went to the fire watch tower and the rest caught with the party a little way down the track.
Destination was Canillas de Albaida, mostly fire and forestry roads from here on – lunch break taken around 1300 en-route.
Eventually arrive at Canillas and just a wee drink was taken before returning to Competa.
Some stats from Fitbit for each day.
steps 25837 = 19.64 km
Floors 204
Heart rate 33 min peak, 3 hrs 15 min cardo, fat burn 12 hr 18 mins