Cruise aboard Ventura 17 days
Mediterranean April 26 – May 13
Inward journey from Spain to Southampton
7 May sailing all day
At sea all day and tomorrow. Sat beside stern terrace pool – reading and listening to audio book – then finally yes finally got the trunks wet. The pool did not need to produce waves as the motion of the ship created its own. The bridge made its usual announcements at 8 bells (midday) and informs us it is expected to reach 82 * when we arrive in Cadiz on May 9.
8 May sailing all day
Lazy day at sea reading and listening to audio books. Took in lecture on Apollo 13 moon mission with audio of how the disaster unfolded and the efforts successfully of the team to get the astronauts home. A pod of dolphins swam by as I was reading on deck 7. The coast line of Spain is now in view as we make our way to Cadiz.
- Cadiz cathedral
Arrive 9am. Disembarked around 11 for a walk around this beautiful Spanish town. Maps available on board decided to follow the purple route which was one of four with interesting places along the way. Very warm had our morning refreshment at the cathedral. Returned to ship after lunch time.
Of course it was the old fella’s birthday so had booked dinner in The White Room restaurant, located deck 17 Aft. Starter was king prawns, main course Margaret had spaghetti with lobster and yours truly had medallion of beef; sweet was poached peaches in mousse of some kind and tiramisu for me. Wine was a dry rosé.
My birthday cake was in shape of a bottle which I kept for the next evening.
A very nice way to celebrate my birthday with cards I had brought from home.
A special thanks to all those who posted on Facebook – messages which I have just seen.
10 May Lisbon
Another very warm day with temp expected to reach 32*. Set off on the shuttle bus to the main square and spent a good while just roaming the streets looking at the antiquities. Again a very clean and vibrant city returned to ship around 2pm as there is always large queues to get the shuttle buses.
The last sail away got into full swing at 5-30 our departure to the UK. Many union jack flags distributed all great fun to end the cruise.
Evening meal we had my cake from the night before to share with our Ventura sailing buddies and of course the waiters sang happy birthday to the embarrassed you know who, LOL.
So that is the feature part of the cruise over just make our way up the coast of, Portugal, Spain and France to the UK.
11 May Sailing all day
Awake this morning to very misty conditions and 11 feet waves. We have a distance of 662.4 nautical miles to go as of 07:30am.
12 May sailing all day
13 May arrive Southampton
- Total distance 6168 nautical miles since April 26 visiting
- Spain,
- Greece,
- Italy,
- Croatia,
- Spain,
- Portugal.
One should pick out a highlight and would not be a surprise for me to say Venice. I was up early for the arrival with the sun just breaking through seeing the city deserted from on board. Traveling into St Marks square by water bus with the local population – how the boats, gondolas do not collide more often is a wonder. The sail away along the main seaway was nothing short of breath-taking to see the city from deck 16 and able to look across the city it was like you were afforded your own panoramic place to view the sites.
Cadiz was a lovely city also right next to the ships berth.
Margaret and I have now covered most of the Mediterranean cities that one wishes to get to, we have not exhausted the places as the wheelchair access sometimes is very difficult but we have not been beaten yet when we have managed to get off ship.
Till the next cruise, holiday whatever.