Sep 27, 2011 - Just Now    No Comments

Calling it retired

Calling it retired my way of saying OU finished and now time to move onto something different. Since I started back in 2005 I had no idea what was in front of me. The degree I opted for was an open one which allowed me to pick and choose my modules (that is what they call them now not courses etc).

The foundation course was just that a mix of a number of different subjects to get the grey matter thinking again. Next up was Globalisation which I found interesting followed by Governing Europe which I got my best grade for. That gave me 180 points a  further 180 to go for honours my ultimate goal.

Two level three modules were needed Ichose Religion:Modernity, Tradition and Change, this was a module looking into how religion fitted into today’s society and of some religions that were developing as well as traditional forms of religion such as C of E, muslim etc. Final module in the level three was Understanding Cities which looked at six cities (mega) and how each has impacted on the global reach of commerce and immigration etc. The typical mega city is one over 10 million inhabitants and growing daily with influx of the farming population hence the problem. Thankfully I passed all those to have my BSc awarded last December.

To complete the honours I chose Information Computer Technology which has now concluded and I am not sorry to see it go. What did I learn some TCP/IP protocols and what the layers meant (never need). a bit on Wi-FI, a wasted month on WordPress and  a website collaboration with six other students, another wasted period on AVS a programming language (Script) for manipulation of pictures and placing a commentary with it (never use again) and finally two questions:-

Final Examinable element

WiMAX installation in a remote village of 100 residents, report for a committee to consider as they proposed to hook in with a village 10km away.

Six pages of a mockup website in word on the subject of BOTNETS, What are they?, How do they get into your system, Mitigation both as an individual and in the corporate environment, I followed that with a case study of how a firm got shut down by a hacker and three other companies including TUCOWS, finally we needed to provide a question with five possible answers with only one correct. Each of the incorrect as well as the correct one required a comment  to assist students who would study this subject.

I found the botnets fascinating with so much to read and listen to (TED.Com) and to sum up botnets we are in trouble as no system is 100% and the criminals out there are one or two steps ahead of all the security and OS software developers finding those vulnerabilities.

Well that is it till the result in December and the ceremony in Glasgow next May will it be BSc open or BSc Open Hons watch this space.

TTFN  big update re PC coming soon

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