Archive from November, 2010
Nov 30, 2010 - Computer    No Comments




More snow in the night and more falling as I cleared the drive.


Car with new accessory of white roof top.

The sun came out whilst I was in the front the reflections look good.

The regular postman was on a day off. I spoke with the postie and he was telling me the van could not get down to fill his auxiliary box at the bottom of Carrick Drive and the one at the top by KwikFit was frozen. A Long day for the postie.













Nov 29, 2010 - Computer    No Comments


New Toy

Giving this extension that I found for Open Office to be able to write a blog post rather than being in the WordPress site. It seems to allow word processing first and then you up load much like a FTP file.


Just finished the evening praise audio cd. We are having some issues with levels etc. Having to do more work than I would like in boosting audio levels in the edit.

Re MAC what else have I found.

Expose – having four windows open much like the Win7 side on applications, F9 shows all apps (6) open at the moment, F10brings up tow pages from same app. Such as two Open Office docs, F11 moves them to side to clear the desktop. (Great)

Well lets see how easy it is.

Need to go and mend the snow shovel

How easy was it. Very confused did all the direct things from MAC and Open Office and it indicated that I needed to check this and that. Checked the WordPress site to look for any dialog boxes needed to be filled, none I could see. AND then I looked and the ramble was there hence this edit.

Nov 27, 2010 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Still not sure

Still not sure if I have the right bits for this blog. I did not find the setup very clear. I was after a free blog but I could not see how the posting was going to work after the content boxes disappered. So just pressed on.

Today’s MAC info This is the site for the MAC keyboard locations and functions. I have a odt doc if you want it.

Suggest looking at Safari extensions and loading at least Expose this when you click the quad box next to the address bar show all the tabs available, hover over with mouse and it zooms that a little bit. I installed mouse gestures which mimics a pen but this did not work as it should. Yesterday I found that win 7 does not automatically  see the MAC. Link  this did the trick, got used to all the editing being available when I had the pro version before installing full Home premium which shows up its limitations of edit etc. now can see MAC in Network on PC and can access the MAC Docs. Also had to set up SMB in the shared area.

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